Anak atau bayi yang sedang sakit tidak boleh diberi imunisasi. Pernyataan itu sering kali disalah artikan oleh banyak masyarakat, sehingga mereka mengambil keputusan sendiri untuk tidak memberikan imunisasi pada anaknya yang sedang sakit. Akan lebih baiknya sebagai orang tua sebaiknya menanyakan pada ahlinya dengan tetap membawa anak ke dokter sesuai jadwal imunisasi sehingga dokter bisa memeriksa apakah si anak boleh atau tidak diimunisasi saat itu.
     Berikut beberapa keadaan bayi / anak yang membuat para orang tua ragu untuk memberikan imunisasi pada anak / bayinya.
1. Bayi / Anak sedang pilek batuk bolehkah di imunisasi ?
 Boleh. Batuk pilek ringan tanpa demam boleh diimunisasi, kecuali bila bayi sangat rewel, imunisasi dapat ditunda 1 – 2 minggu kemudian.

2. Jika sedang minum obat lain apakah boleh diimunisasi ?
Apabila anak sedang minum obat prednison 2 mg/kgbb/hari, dianjurkan menunda imunisasi 1 bulan setelah selesai pengobatan.

3. Jika pada imunisasi terdahulu timbul kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi, bagaimana jadwal vaksinasi selanjutnya ?
Jika kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi hanya ringan, vaksinasi berikutnya sesuai jadwal, tetapi jika berat sebaiknya dosis berikutnya tidak dilanjutkan. Jika kejadian ikutan pasca imunisasi DPT cukup berat, dosis berikutnya menggunakan vaksin DT.

4. Apabila bayi / anak sudah pernah sakit campak, rubela atau batuk rejan bolehkah di imunisasi untuk penyakit-penyakit tersebut? Apakah justru indikasi kontra ?
Boleh, walaupun ada riwayat pernah menderita penyakit tersebut vaksinasi tidaklah berbahaya. Vaksinasi bayi / anak dengan riwayat pernah sakit campak akan meningkatkan kekebalan dan tidak menimbulkan risiko. Diagnosis campak dan rubella tanpa konfirmasi laboratorium sangat tidak dapat dipercaya. Anak dengan riwayat pernah sakit tersebut sebaiknya tetap diberikan MMR.

5. Apakah anak yang menderita epilepsi bolehkah diimunisasi ?
Kelainan neurologik yang stabil dan riwayat kejang atau epilepsi di dalam keluarga bukanlah indikasi kontra untuk memberikan vaksinasi DPT. Orangtua atau pengasuh harus diingatkan bahwa sesudah vaksinasi dapat timbul demam, oleh karena itu dianjurkan untuk segera memberikan obat penurun panas. Harus diingatkan pula bahwa demam pasca vaksinasi campak timbul 5 – 10 hari setelah imunisasi.

6. Apakah anak yang menderita alergi boleh diimunisasi ?
Pasien asma, eksim dan pilek boleh diimunisasi tetapi kita harus sangat berhati-hati jika anak alergi berat terhadap telur. Jika riwayat reaksi anafilaktik terhadap telur (urtikaria luas, pembengkakan mulut atau tenggorok, kesulitan bernafas, mengi, penurunan tekanan darah atau syok) merupakan indikasi kontra untuk vaksin influenza, demam kuning dan demam Q. Sedangkan untuk vaksin MMR karena kejadian reaksi anafilaktik sangat jarang, masih boleh diberikan dengan pengawasan.

Artikel ini diambil dari website Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

         Banyak sekali pro kontra dari masyarakat tentang imunisasi bagi bayi, sampai ada yang menganggap bahwa imunisasi itu tidak penring bagi bayi sehingga mereka memutuskan tidak memberikan imunisasi pada bayi mereka. hal ini bisa disebabkan karena kurangnya informasi bagi para orang tua, pemahaman yang kurang tentang imunisasi itu sendiri dan tentunya bisa disebabkan karena sikap orang tua yang meyakini imunisasi itu tidak penting. Selain itu juga banyak para orang tua kadang ada yang salah menerima informasi tentang imunisasi, sehingga mereka merasa ragu untuk memberikan imunisasi pada anak mereka. Berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang sering dipertanyakan oleh para orang tua tentang imunisasi. 

1. Sesudah diimunisasi apakah pasti tidak akan tertular penyakit tersebut ?
Bayi / Anak yang telah diimunisasi walaupun kemungkinannya kecil masih dapat tertular penyakit tersebut, namun jauh lebih ringan dibanding terkena penyakit secara alami.

2. Apabila anak diberi beberapa jenis vaksin sekaligus apakah tidak berbahaya ?
Tidak berbahaya, asalkan imunisasi dilakukan di bagian tubuh yang berbeda (misalnya paha / lengan kiri dan kanan), menggunakan alat suntik yang berlainan dan memperhatikan ketentuan umum tentang pemberian vaksin.

3. Beberapa dokter menyuntikkan vaksin di tempat yang berbeda walaupun vaksinnya sama. Apakah ada perbedaan kekebalan ?
(Misalnya penyuntikan vaksin BCG ada yang di lengan atau pinggul, campak, hepatitis B, Hib, DPT di lengan atau paha).
Pemilihan tempat penyuntikan vaksin berdasarkan beberapa pertimbangan antara lain tebal otot atau lemak, untuk mendapatkan kekebalan optimal, cedera yang minimal pada jaringan, pembuluh darah, saraf di sekitarnya, memperkecil kemungkinan rasa tidak nyaman pada bayi dan anak akibat gerakan, sentuhan, terutama apabila bayi sudah dapat berjalan, dan bayi dan anak akibat gerakan, sentuhan, terutama apabila bayi sudah dapat berjalan, dan pertimbangan estetis. Perbedaan tempat penyuntikan tidak menimbulkan perbedaan kekebalan, asalkan kedalaman penusukan jarum atau jaringan yang disuntik vaksin (infrakutan, subkutan, intramuskular) sesuai dengan ketentuan untuk setiap jenis vaksin. Khusus untuk BCG sudah ada kesepakatan diberikan pada lengan kanan atas (deltoid)

4. Apakah imunisasi menyebabkan anak menderita autisme ?
Sampai saat ini belum ada bukti yang menyokong bahwa imunisasi (jenis imunisasi apapun) dapat menyebabkan autisme. Baik Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) maupun Departemen Kesehatan & Kesos RI tetap merekomendasikan pemberian semua imunisasi sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan.

Artikel ini diambil dari website Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih.
      Today , young people in Indonesia have various problems are quite complicated , ranging from early marriage to drug abuse . The younger the age at first marriage of the greater risks faced by mother and child . One indicator of the people's welfare is maternal mortality . Indonesia's maternal mortality rate is still high . UNICEF report of 2001 mentions the maternal mortality rate on average from 1980-1999 was 450 per 100,000 live births . While the results of 1995 Household Health Survey showed a decrease in the maternal mortality rate to 373 per 100,000 live births . Some of the main causes of death are not available with good maternal care , birth spacing is too close together , and early marriage .

A 1995 survey 21.5 % of Indonesian women get that done first marriage at the age of 17 years . In rural and urban women perform underage marriages recorded respectively 24.4 % and 16.1 % . Contained the largest percentage of early marriage in the province of East Java, 40.3 % , 39.6 % in West Java and South Kalimantan 37.5 % .

For the case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ( HIV / AIDS ) shows , almost half, ie 45.9 percent of the cases were from the age of 20-29 years . The data show that adolescence is also vulnerable to HIV / AIDS . Which is still a problem today is that the age of first marriage for women in Indonesia has reached 19 years . In fact , women are expected age of first marriage of 21 years. Therefore , prosperous family planning should start as a teenager .

Central Bureau of Statistics in 2010 , there were 35 of 1,000 adolescents who had never given birth . In fact , the average marriage age of women was 19 years . To address the problem of teenagers today , the National Population and Family Planning programs continue promoting " Planned Generation Goes to School " .
" The program is expected to print genre figure among adolescents motivator to campaign to every school , " said Deputy Family Welfare and Family Empowerment National Population and Family Planning National Dr Sudibyo Alimoeso in Jakarta .

About 64 million people are vulnerable to cases of Indonesian teenagers marry young , or about 27.6 percent of the total population. It stated the Head of the National Population and Family Planning , Dr. Sugiri Syarief .
        One form of high- risk behavior occurs and problem behaviors during adolescence is associated with premarital sex . Statistics on the number deviation ( deviation ) premarital sexual behavior of teenagers getting bigger every year . The 1970s , research on premarital sexual behavior showed 7-9 % rate . Decade in 1980, that number increased to 12-15 % . Next in 1990 increased to 20 % .

In this era , Center for the Study of Criminology Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta find 26.35 % of 846 wedding events have had sexual intercourse before marriage in which 50 % of them lead to pregnancy . In Kulon Progo Regency is based on the observation of the Department of Health in 2006 , approximately 44 % of new brides have been known to take a pregnancy test pregnant.

National household survey data in 1982 as much as 65 % of young women using contraceptives ineffective or without contraception during their first sexual intercourse , the incidence decreased to 41 % in 1988.6 The study by the Centre for Ecology & Health , Health Development Agency , 1990 MOH to students - student high school in Jakarta and Yogyakarta mention that the main factor influencing teenagers to have premarital sex is reading porn books and watching blue films ( 54.3 % and 49.2 % in Jakarta, Yogyakarta ) . The main motivation is the intercourse was consensual ( 76 % in Jakarta and Yogyakarta 75.6 % ) , the influence of friends , biological needs and feel 14-18 % less obedient to religious values ​​as much as 20-26 % .

Unfortunately for various reasons the teens to have sex before marriage that would be a very bad impact to the lives of teenagers . Hopefully the problems that occur annually on adolescent may continue to decrease , especially in terms of relationships that could impair their own adolescent self .
This article is taken from Anaka Indonesian Doctors Association ( )
Thank you .

Phases of change in adolescents

          As a teenager we always see a lot of changes in ourselves, be it physical, mental emotional to us. Sometimes a lot of teenagers who are not ready to accept a change in him from the earlier to the children who still can play and not have to think about yourself whether it looks up a relationship with the opposite sex. as well as for the following levels of juvenile characteristics in each phase of adolescence.

TypeAge (years)CharacteristicsImpact
Early adolescents 10-13Puberty, relationships with friends, cognition concrete Attention to physical and sexual phase of, sense of responsibility, interaction with verbal and visual tools
Mid adolescents14-16Appears sexual urges, behavior change, freedom, abstract cognition Attract the opposite sex of freedom increases, the ambivalent attitude, the ego is not stable
Late adolescents17-21Physical maturity, a sense of sharing, idealist, emancipation steadyIndividual relationships, more open, understanding responsibilities, understanding responsibilities, understand the purpose of life, to understand health.

Hopefully this article useful. Thank you for reading.

         Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1995 estimated that about 5 million people aged less than 17 years died from diseases related to smoking cigarettes. Quantity of Indonesian teenagers these days have increased . Central Bureau of Statistics noted in 2004 among active smokers than there are children in the age range of 13-15 years with the amount of 26.8 % and in the range of 5-9 years as much as 2.8 % . National Commission for Protection of Child obtain data on the causes of adolescent allure to smoking . Obtained the data , 99.7 % of adolescents affected to smoking after seeing tobacco advertising on television; 87.7 % after seeing smoking in outdoor advertising ; 76.2 % after seeing cigarette ads in newspapers and magazines , and 81 % after following activities sponsored by the tobacco industry .
           Santrock ( 2003) found several reasons why teenagers taking drugs is because they want to know , to improve self-esteem , solidarity , adaptation to the environment , as well as for the compensation .

  •  Social and interpersonal influence : including lack of parental warmth , supervision , control and encouragement . Negative assessment of the elderly , the tension in the home , parental divorce and separation .
  •  The influence of culture and manners : looking at the use of alcohol and drugs as a symbol of resistance to conventional standards , the short -term goal-oriented and hedonistic satisfaction , etc.
  • Interpersonal Influence : including a temperamental personality , aggressive , people who have an external locus of control , low self-esteem , poor coping skills , etc.
  • Heterosexual Love and Relationships
  • Sexual problems
  • Adolescent relations with Both Parents
  • Moral issues , values ​​, and religion
           As with the opinion of Smith & Anderson , thinks most teenagers do risky behaviors considered part of the normal developmental process . Risky behavior is most often done by teenagers is the use of cigarettes, alcohol , and drugs .

This article is taken from the website of the Indonesian Pediatric Association (
Thank you.
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