Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding without additional food or other beverages, it is recommended until the baby is 6 months of age. Once the baby reaches 6 months of age, it was time to give complementary feeding. Breastfeeding should continue to be given to children at least 2 years of age, could be even longer if the baby and the mother still wanted.
Preparation for the baby of course important for all parents. Nine months baby raised in the mother's womb and of course all the best will be prepared, including nutrition. Various opinions that come from family and sometimes the environment actually cause confusion or doubt, particularly the efforts of exclusive breastfeeding in infants. To realize success in breastfeeding the baby, there are some tips and tricks that can be done by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDAI) are taken from the World Health Organization recommendations. The following tips:
1.      Convinced that breast milk is best for babies, mothers, and families.
As the baby grows and develops in the uterus, breast milk has also been prepared in accordance with the gestational age of the mother. Breast milk contains ingredients that are very easily digested and absorbed by the baby, even though premature babies. Substances contained in the breast milk is needed to support growth and development, especially in the golden period of the first 2 years of a child's life. The presence of antibodies (antibodies) also can not be found in any foods other than breast milk, so babies who were exclusively breastfed shown to be more resistant to infectious diseases.
Many advantages are also obtained for breastfeeding mothers such as the effects of natural family planning (with certain conditions; consult your obstetrician), the return of the uterus to its original size more quickly, as well as increased immunity due to increased antibody production. Breastfeeding also strengthen the inner relationship between mother and child that would be the desire of every parent.
For families, exclusive breastfeeding is certainly more economical because there are no costs to be incurred to obtain the best nutrition for babies. Plus, breastfeeding does not require special preparation tools making it more efficient and also reduces the risk of infection due to poor hygienic milk preparation.
2.      Learn the basic techniques of breastfeeding.

When confidence in breastfeeding is established, then the first step would be breastfeeding easier and lighter. Furthermore, mothers can learn a few things that can help make breastfeeding go smoothly.
Consider the condition of the mother, baby, and breast health.
Conditions mother is sick, tired, or lack of confidence can interfere with exclusive breastfeeding. Make sure the mother is in good health and provide family support entirely on the mother to breast feed exclusively. Healthy breast normally feels comfortable and will increase confidence that the mother's milk production more smoothly. Doubts can arise when a mother feels her breasts problematic, for example, are not prominent nipples or breasts are too small. To get rid of any doubt, the mother and family should know the process of breast milk production and expenditure.
Early initiation of breastfeeding and rooming
Early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) and rooming is another attempt to do exclusive breastfeeding for the success of the program. Mothers and babies can undergo if both IMD in shape. Perform skin contact between mother and baby as soon as possible by putting the baby in the mother's chest immediately after birth for at least 1 hour.
Rooming-in is the process of infant care with the mother in the same room after childbirth. It is necessary that the mother can breastfeed whenever the baby wants. Rooming-in will also help mothers achieve optimal psychological conditions to be successful breastfeeding.
Correct positioning and attachment
Find the most comfortable position for breastfeeding mothers. Embrace your baby as close as possible and expose the baby to the breast with a straight body position. Baby's whole body should be facing the mother's chest and abdomen, not only his face. Baby's ears will appear parallel to the shoulders and nose close to the breast. Excitatory reflex suction the baby by touching the corner of her lips. When the baby's mouth is wide open, enter the black area around the nipple (areola) as much as possible into the baby's mouth. Good attachment will occur when the baby's mouth is wide open with the upper and lower lip folded out. Infant feeding is said to be effective when he slowly sucking, rounded cheeks, and occasionally stopped to swallow milk.

3.      Evaluation of growth and development of the baby and give solid foods from the age of 6 months What if the baby cries and the mother constantly worry whether enough milk? Remember, not only because of the baby crying hungry. Babies will cry when he feels uncomfortable (too hot, cold, pain), lonely, to be picked up, and so forth. Breast milk can be considered if the baby urinate 6 times or more a day. Periodically consult the baby to the nearest health services. When the weight gain according to age, it proved enough breast milk to the baby's mother. In addition to growth, do not forget to always assess the development of the baby.

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