headache in children and teens

Tension - type headache ( TTH )
Previously thought to be caused by psychological factors that TTH , but in fact it is essentially neurobiological . TTH TTH divided into infrequent episodic , frequent episodic TTH and chronic TTH . Each of these circumstances can be with or without accompanying pain perikranial .In children it is often difficult to distinguish TTH to migraine . In TTH diagnosis , some exclusion criteria for migraine is a factor . TTH does not indicate that throbbing pain , not unilateral , do not become more severe when the move , and autonomic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting .
TTH is not yet known . Chronic type may be the result of central mechanisms whereas episodic type is due to peripheral mechanisms . Infrequent episodic type usually does not cause serious problems , but often episodic and chronic type often cause significant disruption to the child .The presence of pain in the muscle emphasis perikranial very helpful diagnosis . Pain increases with the intensity and frequency of headache . Emphasis is made ​​with the index finger and middle finger in a circular motion on the frontal muscle , temporal , masetter , pterygoid , splenius and trapezius .Frequent episodic TTH and chronic TTH may coexist with migraine without aura . Both of these situations should be distinguished because the natural course of the disease berbeda.Dalam treatment , migraine can be turned into TTH .
Cluster headache
Appears as unilateral pain in the orbital , supraorbital , temporal or in combination . The attack lasts 15-180 minutes and occur once two days to 8 times per day . Attacks accompanied by symptoms such as unilateral conjunctival injection , lacrimation , nasal congestion , rhinorrhea , forehead and facial sweating on , miosis , ptosis , eyelid edema and large mata.Sebagian patients showed agitation during the attack . Cluster headache is rare in children , onset is most frequent in the age over 20 years .
This article is taken from the website : INDONESIA Pediatric Association ( idai.or.id ) . thank you

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