There are three factors that play a role in this, namely;
1. Factors that individual brain maturity and genetic constitution (among others temperament).
2. Factors parenting parents in childhood and pre-adolescence.
3. Environmental factors namely family life, local culture, and foreign cultures.
Every teenager actually has the potential to reach maturity personality that allows them to face the challenges of life in a natural environment, but the potential is certainly not going to develop optimally if it is not supported by physical factors and environmental factors are adequate.
Thus there will always be risk factors and protective factors associated with the formation of the personality of a teenager, namely;
1. Risk factors
Can be individualized, contextual (environmental influence), or generated through the interaction between the individual and his environment. Risk factors coupled with psychosocial vulnerability and resilience of adolescents will lead to emotional and behavioral disorders typical of adolescents.
Risk factors may include;
a. Individual factors.
Genetic factors / constitutional; various mental disorders have a genetic background that is quite obvious, such as behavioral disorders, personality disorders, and other psychological disorders.
Lack of social skills such as the ability, to face fear, low self-esteem, and stress. The belief that violent behavior is acceptable behavior, and accompanied by an inability to handle anger. This condition tends to lead to high-risk behavior for adolescents.
b . Psychosocial factors .
Disharmony between parents , parental substance abuse , parental mental disorder , the incompatibility of temperament between parents and adolescents , as well as parents who are not parenting tend to be empathetic and domination , all the above conditions often lead to aggressive behavior and difficult temperament in children and adolescents .
Bullying is one of the strong influence of peer groups , as well as the impact of academic failure . This condition is a serious risk factor for adolescents . Bullying , or often referred to as peer victimization is a form of coercion or conduct business both psychological and physical harm to a person / group of people who are weaker , by a person / group of people who are more powerful .
Bullying can be either ( a) physical , pinching , beating , mugging , or slapping ; ( b ) such psychological , intimidation , neglect , and discrimination , (c ) verbal , abuse, ridicule, and slander . All of these conditions are stress and traumatic experience for teens and often result occurrence of mental disorders for adolescents
Hazing is an activity that is usually performed by members of the group who has been ' seniors ' group is trying to intimidate the more ' junior ' to perform embarrassing acts , even less so the ' senior ' is torturing and harassing causing discomfort both physically and psychic . This act is often performed as a prerequisite for admission to a particular group . The hazing ritual has long done as a tradition from year to year as the admission process of initiation someone in a group and usually only lasts a short , but are not rare extension causing stress for teenagers who experience it .
Bullying and hazing is a serious enough pressure for teens and negative impact on adolescent development . The prevalence of the above two conditions is estimated around 10-26 % . The study found that students who experience bullying behavior that is not confident, hard to get along , feel afraid to come to school so that the numbers absent be high , and the difficulty in to focus lass resulting in a decrease in learning achievement ; are not uncommon they are experiencing bullying or hazing continue to be depressed and commit suicide .
Situation and life has been shown that there is a close relationship between the incidence of mental disorders with a wide range of life and social conditions such as poverty , unemployment , divorce , and the presence of chronic diseases in adolescents .
b. protective factor Protective factors are factors that explain that not all adolescents who have risk factors will experience behavioral or emotional problems , or certain mental disorders . Rutter (1985 ) explains that protective factors are factors that modify , alter , or make a person's response to be stronger to face many challenges that come from the environment . This protective factors interact with risk factors with the end result occurs whether or not a behavioral or emotional problems , or mental disorders later in life .
Rae G N et al . suggests a range of protective factors , such as:
- Character / positive personal character .
- Supportive family environment .
- Social environment that serves as a support system to strengthen efforts to adolescent adjustment .
- Good social skills . Good intellectual level .
According to E. Erikson , by strengthening protective factors and reduce risk factors in a teenager it was reached maturity and a personality that is characterized by social independence ;
- Self awareness is characterized by a sense of self-confidence and awareness of strengths and weaknesses in the context of positive interpersonal relationships .
- Role of anticipation and the role of experimentation , namely the urge to anticipate certain positive role in the environment , as well as the courage to experiment with the role which must be accompanied by awareness of the advantages and disadvantages that exist within him .
- Apprenticeship , namely the willingness to learn from others to improve the ability / skill to learn and work.